ISO 15926-14 PCA RDL
Table of Contents
Presented by Johan W. Klüwer, DNV – [email protected]
The new PCA RDL is built as a set of ontologies, applying the W3C standard OWL 2.
- Home of the online version of ISO 15926-14
- A mid-level ontology – “textbook”-level vocabulary
- A hierarchy of modules that extend the vocabulary
- Each topical module has a homepage
- Browse the library – one page per term
- “Compressor” at
- “centimetre” at
- Documentation (like this page)
The site is built with the Hugo static site generator. Visual design to be improved.
- current PCA RDL; CFIHOS: Compressor
- unit of measure ontologies: quantity capacitance, unit farad
This new website allows us to make documentation available alongside the library content.
- Tutorials
- Diagrams
- Excerpts in various forms, like tables and graphical diagrams
- example: cross-references for physical quantities
- Using the SPARQL query language
- A Fuseki endpoint is available at
- Examples will be provided in how-to pages
- Results available in various formats: CSV, XML, and JSON formats in addition to the native RDF
- we will document how to use the RDL terminology to model industrial assets using tested modelling patterns
- providing worked, extensive examples as downloadable ontologies
These examples can be used in widely available software applications, such as Protégé (free software, Stanford) and Gruff (Franz, Inc).
- The entire RDL is built from tabular content
- maintained in a Git repository
- using a build tool developed in the Readi JIP project
- By relying on OTTR templates, consistency across the library is secured
- The templates we use are available at